Programma 2121 Awards winners unveiled
15 December 2023
Programma 2121’s model invited as best practice at the “Zero Recidivism“ conference at the Italian National Economic and Labor Committee (CNEL)
20 May 2024DIGI-TRAIN, the digital training course aimed at inmates participating Programma 2121 and their adult family members, was held successfully in February 2024. DIGI-TRAIN is a Programma 2121’s project developed in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Justice, the Municipality of Milan- Youth, Work and Sports Directorate, Lendlease, Afol Metropolitana and Sky Italia, created after the approval by the municipal administration of Milan of the Programma 2121’s application submitted by Lendlease within the public notice “Patto per il Lavoro”.
Following the approval in March 2023, began the work promoted and coordinated by Lendlease of sharing expertise and objectives among the companies and institutions involved. DIGI-TRAIN gave participants digital employment guidance in line with the Programma 2121's vision of providing inmates with technical and soft skills to increase their long-term employability.
The course was held at the Municipality of Milan's Fleming Training Center and was attended by 10 participants. The 32-hour training included soft-skills and technical modules and was delivered by expert employment advisors from AFOL Metropolitana and human resources representatives from Sky Italia. At the end of the course, all the participants received the certificate of attendance issued by the Municipality of Milan upon attendance of at least 75% of the total hours.
DIGI-TRAIN represented an important opportunity to create social value and testifies the convergence of public and private interest in creating safer and more inclusive communities. Besides being a training course, DIGI-TRAIN was an enriching and rewarding experience for both trainers and participants.
Nadia Boschi, Head of Sustainability Italy & Continental Europe Lendlease said: "The DIGI-TRAIN employment guidance course enriches the formative path that Programma 2121 promotes and strengthens its unique model of offenders’ reintegration into society, supporting also their families in this case."
"Being in class with adults reintegrating into society has been a learning experience on the professional side and a rewarding experience on the human side. It is stimulating to work with adults who differ in age, gender, educational and professional background all sharing a strong motivation to get back into the game by working on their strengths and soft skills to enhance a new professional and life goal, on which to build the digital hard skills kit" commented Diana Manzionna and Cesare Mainardi, experienced employment advisors of Servizio Orientamento - AFOL Metropolitana.
All participants reported to have gained new skills and more confidence for the job search phase, "This experience made me grow and clearly understand my goal. I will bring to the place where I live the knowledge that I need to grow and not be afraid" Course participant.