Programma 2121 & Awards 2023 Event Day
29 November 2023
DIGI-TRAIN, Digitalization for Social Inclusion
28 March 2024On Tuesday, December 12, the Event Day Programma 2121 & Awards 2023 was held at MIND, Milano Innovation District. Giornata Evento Programma 2121 & Awards 2023 It was an important opportunity to deepen the knowledge of the project and discuss the topic of safe cities and the role played by the private sector thanks to the speeches of Dr. Nadia Boschi, Head of Sustainability Italy and Continental Europe Lendlease; Rossella Sobrero ; Expert in Sustainability and Social Communication - Founder and President of Koinètica and President of the CSR Show Vincenzo Lo Cascio Head of Central Employment Office Offenders – Italian Ministry of Justice and the President of the Milan Supervisory Court, Giovanna Di Rosa.
From the dialogue emerged the growing importance for companies of concrete engagement in social sustainability, the centrality of public-private collaboration to improve city safety, and how Programma 2121 can be a resource.
According to Rossella Sobrero sharing company’s values with stakeholders has both reputational and inspirational validity, playing a key role in standing out in the marketplace. Social engagement rewards companies that adopt it if it is measured and done conscientiously. The importance of impact assessment to tackle social washing is central not only at the reporting stage but also at the time of strategy setting. Programma 2121 stands as a pioneer in a context like the Italian one, where the culture of impact assessment is still uncommon. For Lendlease, Dr. Nadia Boschi recalled, Programma 2121 has been an opportunity to create a bridge with Bollate prison which is next to the MIND site and to refocus on the re-educational purpose of sentence as stated in the Italian constitution. Corporate social responsibility is also about public safety. That is way the relationship between the Italian Ministry of Justice and businesses is key to decreasing the recidivism rate. Lo Cascio said that the strong presence of all institutions, within this project, serves as a guarantee to the participating companies. Programma 2121 is not meant to be a gift to inmates but an idea of cooperation with public facilities to change the reintegration model. This project is based on transparency given by the Memorandum of Understanding published on the Italian Ministry of Justice website and the support of institutions. The company interested in social welfare is in line with the Italian constitutional precepts. Indeed, Magistrate Di Rosa illustrated how the Article 2 of the Italian Constitution gives value to the idea of social solidarity as a duty incumbent on everyone. The company spearheading this value is of great relevance to the structuring of social relations. Various signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding and companies that shared experiences of participation also contributed to the dialogue. Sobrero concluded with a reflection on the current context in which it is essential for companies to write the sustainability report, both for regulatory compliance and for talent attraction. For these reasons, is convenient for companies to adhere to a qualified model such as Programma 2121: a structured project, characterized by the relationship with institutions and with established impact measurement.
The event was also an opportunity to celebrate the participation in Programma 2121 by awarding those who have distinguished themselves within this virtuous project.
Giovanna Di Rosa Giovanna Di Rosa received the “Leadership” award for her continued support of the project, making it operationally implementable. The Municipality of Milan, Directorate of Labor, Youth and Sports - Labor and Training Area received the "Best performance" award aimed at recognizing the key role it plays in the articulated process behind the activations of internships. The committee recognized as the winner of the "Special Shared Value" award the MoU underwriter Afol Metropolitana for its continuous support in the delivery of the training phase within the project, in the full spirit of resource sharing that distinguishes the shared value partnership. The "Excellence" award, which recognizes the company's continuity and involvement in the project, was awarded to Sarpi Milano S.r.l. for its renewed participation in the project, the number of internships activated and the transformation into a contract or extension of the internships The company GIOAM TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS S.r.l. was awarded the "Social Value Influencer" for the high number of internships activated. The "Best Social Story" award, recognizing the company that has created the greatest social impact, was given to the company Deerns Italia S.p.a. as it was recognized for its innovativeness and the great involvement of employees by HR department in presenting the participation to the project. In conclusion, among the prizes created in this second edition, there is the "Best Journey" to award the participating inmate that contributed most to disseminate the project. The award was presented to Lucio Motta.
Thanks to all the speakers and participants!