Training session for companies by dr Roberto Bezzi and lawyer Patrizio Bernardo
22 September 2022
Soft-skills course delivered by Afol METROPOLITANA kicks off
6 October 2022On Monday 19 September, during the Programma 2121 Event Day, the companies and people who have distinguished themselves within the Programma 2121 project were honoured at the hands of the Director General of Prisoners and Treatment of the Department of Prison Administration, Gianfranco De Gesu, and in the presence of Engineer Andrea Ruckstuhl Head of Continental Europe Lendlease.
The company HW Style received the Programma 2121 Excellence award. The award recognises the company's continuity and involvement in the project.
The company C.M.B. Cooperativa Muratori e Braccianti di Carpi received the Social Value Influencer award, aimed at rewarding the company's extensive involvement in the supply chain.
The Best Social Story award, intended to reward the greatest impact created, went to the company MARTORANA Costruzioni.
Finally, Dr. Luigi Pagano, former Regional Superintendent of the Penitentiary Administration, was awarded the Leadership prize, for the key role he played in making Programma 2121 operationally possible (the prize was collected by Dr. Francesca Romana Valenzi, Head of the Prisoners and Treatment Office).