Programma 2121: meeting of Memorandum of Understanding signatories at MIND
22 September 2022
Winners of the first ‘Programma 2121’ awards presented
23 September 2022On Monday 19 September, dr Roberto Bezzi - Head of Education Area II of the Bollate Prison - andlawyer Patrizio Bernardo -studio Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP- held free training session open to all companies participating or intending to participate in the Programma 2121 project.
The session was held at the Social Innovation Academy in MIND and remotely, giving more than 70 participants the opportunity to learn more about the project.
Dr. Bezzi explained to all participants the management aspects of the Programma 2121 traineeship from a relational point of view. Lawyer Patrizio Bernardo continued with the Italian legal framework by describing what labour law provides for offenders.
We thank the speakers and participants.